Embrayce Beauty & MediSpa, Blog, Christchurch, beauty news


May 10, 2017

As there is less sun at this time of the year and our skin presents lighter, this is a good time of the year to have more invasive facial treatments to start the repair process and allow your skin to be “summer” ready. I recommend that clients come into our Clinic and have a skin analysis, then together we can work out a plan, take before and after photos and measure results. My 3 favourite modalities for Autumn and Winter would be :

  1. Micro-needle Collagen Induction Treatment
  • This treatment is amongst the very latest on the market and is used largely to re-model scarred uneven skin, and to induce thicker healthier skin.
  • Studies have shown that, when skin is injured, the body’s response to any injury releases cellular growth mediators that result in skin repair and increased cellular turnover. The response naturally also causes the increased production of ground substances such as collagen. This new injury gives the skin a chance to remodel older scar tissue but also leads to a healthier thicker skin which refines the wrinkling appearance of aging. Isn’t that what we all want
  • Micro-needling will help penetration of skin products. Many active skin care ranges are dependant on their therapeutic such as nutrients penetrating through the natural barrier put up by the skin. With needling after application penetration through the top layers of the skin is much easier with claims that the topical application of active products can penetrate up to 4,000% more than by just leaving it on the skin.
  • The skin will get excellent result without undue pain there should be only tingling and there should not be any bleeding. The skin may appear red and swollen for up to 2 days dependent on the aggression of the treatment.
  • Combining the treatment with good skin products is important.


  1. SHR IPL/LASER Rejuvenation Treatments
  • Our clients tell us they are worried about having Botox and Fillers?  They ask what are the alternatives ? With our NEW SHR IPL/Laser Rejuvenation state of the art technology, we can help reverse the accumulative signs of ageing from sun damage, environmental ageing and neglect. This treatment is virtually painless, you will feel some redness and inflammation post treatment which will take up to 2 hours to subside.  Pigmentation and red veins will be reduced with each treatment, collagen and elastin stimulation will smooth out fine lines and plump up the skin, the great thing is that you are using your skins own process to strengthen and regenerate your skins cells creating a long lasting effect. A course of treatments is required and normally one treatment annually thereafter. For best results, course of 2-6 treatments required, 2 -4 weeks apart.
  • We love this as our client’s skins are renewed, lightened, much brighter and firmer overall.  This course of treatments can restore youth and allow the skin to start working again, for itself.


  1. Photo Dynamic Therapy – Using LED Light
  • LED is a safe, easy and extremely effective. LED (Light emitting diode) light helps to stimulate the skins natural production of collagen. It is particularly effective at restoring the cells back to optimum health. This will help to detoxify cells resulting in a natural, plump and hydrated appearance to the skin.
  • Tired, aging skin: Softening of lines and wrinkles, healthier circulation, increased moisture and radiance, accelerated skin repair, toned and a more youthful appearance, improved elasticity and skin texture.
  • Hyper-pigmentation: age-spots, freckles, uneven pigmentation due to sun exposure. Most cases of skin hyper-pigmentation fade over time from the use LED light therapy.Acne and blemishes: LED light can assist in the repair of acne and blemishes because it stimulates the skin's natural healing process.Damaged skin, from burning, abrasions, acne extraction, surgery. LED light will stimulate tissue repair, this will in turn stimulate and improve collagen production which will accelerate the wound healing response.Sensitive skins displaying diffused redness will have improved vitality and luminosity, skin will be repaired from the inside out, resulting in a clearer complexion, and firmness is improved.
  • I love this treatment because it covers all the bases, delivers science proven results, slows our clients down and allows them to relax and it works as the perfect add on to all our facial treatments.


Interested in our best winter beauty treatments? View our pricing here

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