Pay it forward random acts of kindness... Hey Embrayce clients, we need your input on ideas ??? Hi to all our fellow Cantabs , Clients , followers, as we are all aware after this morning’s mother nature’s activities waking us at midnight
It will bring back memories of the last few years .... as we are getting back on our feet again in the excitement of seeing our city coming to life with new cafes, restaurants, buildings we all know our beautiful city has a buzz again ... cup week was an exciting time ... our botanical gardens look incredible.... spring in Hagley Park with all the blossom... we love our city .... in this time may we spare a thought give an extra big smile to others... check on neighbours... contact our elderly friends... visit .. ring ... our friends with damaged homes just finishing repairs or ongoing repairs. The . anxiety.... ..loss of family friends . today's events bring it back .... can we slow ourselves a little to feel for others ... do a little extra ... go the extra mile ... even small acts of kindness .... this kindness to ourselves also .... keeping it simple... rest when we can ... remind ourselves what is important.... the anger, resentment is normal but do we have room to look for things we can be grateful for ... going outside the sun on our face ... birds chirping ... laughing with a friend... being of service gives us the feeling of wellbeing... small acts done with great love create an energy that is contagious and it spreads ... I challenge you to look in stranger’s eyes and give genuine smiles .... hold open doors for others .... complement other person on a job well done ... let people in traffic go first . Do random acts of kindness pay it forward but don't tell others .... pay for someone's coffee ... bring someone flowers that you pick from your garden ... bake or cook a meal ... mow a neighbours lawn ... really help a work mate but don't look for rewards .... the list can go on ...
The pay it forward challenge is set
Let me know any other ideas to these random acts of kindness???
Love and light Tania xx
Imagine tapping into an inner resource where all the answers, for healing, motivation, stress relief, inspired change can occur.
We all know, how change can be difficult and letting go of old limiting beliefs is not easy, some of these beliefs are linked to our core values and still provide our identity, it’s working out which ones serve us, and which don’t .